Process of Phenomenology as Qualitative Research Method in English
Research methodology is a pronounced science that contributes to the study of research in many fields. The literature on research methodology shows how it serves in several ways as it is multi-dimensional and theoretical alongside the features of experimental literature. Based on different philosophies, it involves two significant methods of choice, qualitative and quantitative, with a range of research strategies from simple to complex. Fundamentally, the strategies of the qualitative method are of much use in the study of English literature and to some extent in the studies of English language and Applied linguistics since the latter also deal with empirical study. The current research method, phenomenology, is one of the critical approaches of the qualitative method, and it is all about philosophical experiences. The study of phenomenology in English is necessary as it has been a widely used method in the fields of medical science, philosophy, computers, and business but not still more in English and Second language acquisition studies; therefore, the main motive behind the study is to investigate how congenial the phenomenology research method is to exploit it in English language and literature studies. Concerning the abovementioned facts, the present study will include the conceptualization, periodical developments, classification, and the milestones associated with phenomenological research studies to analyze and extract as a research method in English. The study also endeavors to identify philosophy and language as two important parameters and emphasizes that they are equally necessary to use phenomenology as a research method in English.
English, Phenomenology, Qualitative research methodDownloads
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