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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is neither written by generative AI tools nor contains AI-generated content.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (Duplicate or Simultaneous submissions are not allowed).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF document, OpenOffice, or LaTeX file format (Submission in Pdf file format is not considerable).
  • Bachelor/Master's degree students are not included as an author. The authors below Ph.D. level students are not allowed in this journal. Mentored work of such students can be submitted to either the Advanced Journal of Graduate Research or to the Advanced Journal of Social Science by following the author guidelines of the respective journals.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses an 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Author Guidelines

  • This journal will consider Research Articles, Review Articles, Short Reviews, and Short Communication; visit the section policy for more details on each article type.
  • Author(s) are expected to comply with the best ethical practice in research & publication.
  • The author is supposed to be aware of the paper publishing process and the required reviewing time.
  • The manuscript shall not contain AI-generated content.

Prior to submitting your manuscript, please ensure that your manuscript is according to the following guidelines-

Submission Method

The manuscript shall be submitted using the online submission system only. The submitting author is responsible for the submission on behalf of all authors. The author may visit this video tutorial for guidance on online submission steps.

1. Cover letter Requirement

A separate cover letter in the pdf file format should be uploaded during the manuscript submission (step 2) that includes:

  • Declaration from the corresponding author on the behalf of all co-author(s) for its originality and non-simultaneous submission to any other journal.
  • An explanation for the suitability of the article in this journal in view of the journal's aims and scope.
  • Highlights that convey the core findings of the article in 3 bullet points. (maximum 90 characters per bullet point including spaces).
  • The suggestion of 3 potential reviewers with their affiliation and working email id. Referees should be selected from other institutions than those where the author(s) work.

2. Author's Detail Requirement
The first page of the article (Just before the abstract section) should include complete details of each author in the following format (use the same format as given below)-

Full Name:
Highest Qualification:
Affiliation (Department and College/University):
Post/Rank (If a student, provide the course name and course year):
email id: (fake/wrong/invalid email id may cause article rejection)

Note: If any of the authors is a Bachelor/Master's Degree student, Kindly submit your article to our specific journal Advanced Journal of Graduate Research or Advanced Journal of Social Science. In this journal, we are not considering manuscripts from authors below Ph.D. level students.

All author(s) presented in the manuscript should be added in the same order during step 3 of online submission.

3. Text formatting requirements

  • The manuscript should be in A4 size with a single column layout, normal margin, and the text should be single-spaced; with 11-point, Garamond font.
  • All manuscripts must contain the essential elements of the article and divide the article into clearly defined sections, for example, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Declarations, and References. Further, all Headings/subheadings should be numbered appropriately using the style tag of Microsoft Word (heading 1, heading 2......).
  • The abstract should be within 300 words. The abstract and conclusion section should be written with continuous sentences without any subheadings in it, do not use bullet points/numbered lists. The abstract and conclusion section should not have any citations within it.
  • Write the manuscript in a narrative paragraph format, ensuring a smooth and logical flow of ideas. Avoid excessive short paragraphs, as they can disrupt readability and make the content feel disjointed. Instead, combine related information into well-structured, cohesive, and detailed paragraphs.
  • Avoid writing with bullet points or numbered lists unless required by scientific reasons or universal representation guidelines.
  • If your article includes any Supplementary material, this should be uploaded separately as the supplementary file in step 2 of the submission process.
  • The final formatting of the published article is different than the submission requirement as the final formatting in the accepted article gets applied by our copyeditor at the copyediting stage. Hence, the author shall follow this guideline for formatting instead of following the pattern of the published article of this journal.

3.1 Figures and tables embedded in the text

  • All illustrations; figures and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate place with a consistent figure/table number and descriptive title (caption).
  • Each figure/table should be explained in the text by referring to the corresponding figure/table number.
  • Please ensure that the figures are of high resolution and the tables are drawn using the MS Word table tool.

3.2 References

The reference citation (in-text citation) and reference list shall be in a consistent style (Either in IEEE or APA Style). The author shall make sure that all cited references are included in the list and vice-versa.

  • Maximum 300 references with a limit of a maximum of 25 references/1000 words.
  • At least 50% of reference citations shall be from the last 2 years (recent references).
  • Self-citation shall be less than 20% of total citations.
  • Only papers that have been published by a named publication or recognized preprint server should be in the reference list. Published conference abstracts, numbered patents, and research datasets may also be included in the reference list.
  • Unpublished primary research data or theses are not permitted to be cited.
  • Social media, grey literature, tertiary sources, & internet sources are usually not allowed to be cited as references.
  • In the case of IEEE style, the references should be numbered sequentially throughout the text. Only one publication is given for each number and vice-versa. Organize the reference list by number in the order they were cited in the text.

4. Declarations Requirement

The author should add the following set of declarations at the end of the manuscript-
4.1 Study Limitations: Provide all possible limitations faced in the study which might significantly affect the research outcome, If not applicable, write, none.
4.2 Acknowledgments: If not applicable, write, none
4.3 Funding Source: If no funding source exists, write, none.
4.4 Competing Interests: The author must add a statement for the potential conflict of interest; refer to this link for more detail on competing interests.
4.5 Warning for Hazard: If the work involves chemicals, procedures, or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the author must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

For Human and Animal-Related Studies
If the work involves the use of human/animal subjects, each manuscript should also contain the following set of declarations-
4.6 Ethical Approval: Provide an ethical approval authority name with the reference number. If not required, provide an ethical exemption letter of not required. The author should upload a scanned pdf copy of the ethical approval/exemption letter during manuscript submission. Visit this link for more detail on the ethical approval policy.
4.7 Informed Consent: Write a statement for the informed consent taken from the patients/participants/respondent to publish this study. The editor may ask to upload the scan pdf copy if required. Visit this link for more detail on the consent requirement.

The author may download MS Word Template to prepare the manuscript by clicking here.

5. Supplementary files
IJM accepts supplementary files to be published online along with an article. This feature can add dimension to the author's article, as certain information cannot be added to the main article or is more appropriate as supplementary information.
For each supplementary file kindly supply a concise caption describing the content of the file. Supplementary files will be published as received from the author without any conversion, editing, or reforming.

Article Processing Charge (APC) & Reviewing Time

All articles published in the International Journal of Methodology (IJM) are fully open-access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. Currently, this journal offers a free publication which means the author(s) do not need to pay any kind of fee and the accepted article will be published free of charge. Each round review report will be available within 10-20 weeks of the submission date. However, if the submission was not made by adhering to the scope & author guidelines, it may take longer for a decision as such submissions are processed after processing all appropriate submissions. There is no submission or any other kind of fee for the article submitted to this journal.

Privacy Statement

The names, affiliations, email addresses, and other personal information provided to us and/or collected by us will be stored and used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. In scholarly publishing, data concerning the authors, editors, reviewers, and others involved in the editorial and publishing process remains necessary for the purposes of the journal. We retain a historical record of the process involved in reviewing, editing, and publishing the manuscript according to best publishing practices. This does not apply to someone solely registered as a reader with us, the users with only reader role may request to delete all their data completely from the journal. Learn more about our privacy policy at this link.