Popcorn Polymers in Butadiene Extraction Units





Several aspects disturb operation of industrial facilities which can cause severe impact on their efficiency and productivity. In some cases, the impact can expose industrial facilities to serious safety concerns. Therefore, Industrial facilities should always plan to invest in reliability and sustainability of their daily operation. Polymerization is one of the unavoidable risks that can be unpredictable and cause several issues to operating facilities. On the other hand, effective proactive plans can be addressed to minimize and eliminate polymerization risks. This article provides introductory information about polymerization of butadiene “Popcorn polymers”, formation mechanism, associated hazard, control and mitigation methodologies.


Butadiene, Polymerization, Petrochemical


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Short Review

How to Cite

O. Alsaadi, “Popcorn Polymers in Butadiene Extraction Units”, Int. Ann. Sci., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 14–21, Feb. 2023.