About the Journal
- Aims and Scope
- Section Policies
- Editorial Team
- Online Submissions
- Author Guidelines
- Publication Ethics
- Peer Review Process
- Reviewer Guideline
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Digital Archiving Policy
- Article Processing Charge (APC)
- Indexing
- CrossMark Policy
- No Plagiarism
- Copyright Notice
- Licensing policy
- Privacy Statement
- Journal History
- About Publisher
- Disclaimer
- Contact us
Aims and Scope
International Annals of Science publishes original research in all areas of science and technology which includes, Computer, Mathematics, Physical, Chemical, Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences. We believe that if your research is scientifically valid and technically sounds significant then it deserves to be published and made accessible to the world research community.
International Annals of Science welcome submissions from cross-disciplinary fields, including biophysics, bioengineering, chemical physics, and environmental science, although no area of science is excluded from consideration.
We use Open access and a continuous online publication model which means that your work will be published swiftly, ready to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Prompt dissemination of accepted papers to AIJR publisher's online platform and beyond is achieved through a continuous online publication program.
Section Policies
Research Article
Research articles should present new experimental studies in the elaborate form that constitute a significant contribution to knowledge. Kindly follow the author guidelines for manuscript preparation. You may download the word template by clicking here.
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Review Article
Review articles should be balanced with objective analyses of the current research topics with descriptions of relevant scientific literature and discussions that are easy to grasp for the audience of any Science and Technology discipline. Review articles should provide the authors' insight into future directions and their opinion of the major challenges faced by researchers in the field. They should be around 15-30 double-spaced typed pages (A4, Normal margin, excluding references). Kindly follow author's guidelines for manuscript preparation. You may download the Word template by clicking here.
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Short Review
International Annals of Science publishes short reviews or mini-reviews for researchers who wish to summarize a field of scientific research and share this work as widely as possible. Short Review papers provide an overview of the main developments on a particular topic, with an emphasis on recent developments, and sketch an outlook on future developments. They should be no longer than 15 double-spaced typed pages (A4, Normal margin, excluding reference list) and 8 figures.
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Short Communication
Short communications are the one that should present new important findings in a brief form. They should be no longer than six double-spaced typed pages (A4, Normal margin, excluding references) and 4 figures. Kindly follow author guidelines for manuscript preparation. You may download the word template by clicking here.
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Medical Case Report
Case reports contain a medical profile of the patient for sharing an unusual or novel occurrence for medical, scientific, or educational purposes. The case report should contain a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Medical case report may discuss by linking other similar reported cases available in the scholarly literature. Publishing case report will be helpful for clinical practice guidelines and offer a framework for early signals of effectiveness and adverse events.
Besides following the author guidelines, the Medical case report submitted to "International Annals of Science" must be accompanied by an ethical clearance letter and contain the following set of declaration sections after the conclusion part.
Acknowledgments: (If not applicable write, none)
Ethical Approval: (Provide ethical approval authority name with the reference number. If not required, provide an ethical exemption letter of not required). The author should upload scan copy of the letter during manuscript submission.
Informed consent: (Write a statement of informed consent taken from the patient to publish this case report). The editor may ask to upload a scanned copy if required.
Funding source: (If no funding source exist, write, none)
Competing interests: (Declare any potential conflict of interest exist)
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Publication Ethics
It is of great importance to agree upon international standards of expected ethical behavior based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). A brief publication ethics statement has been provided below, for detail kindly click here.Submission Policy
Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that it will not be submitted elsewhere until under consideration by this journal, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the authorities responsible where the work was carried out. However, we accept submissions that have previously appeared on preprint servers (for example arXiv, bioRxiv, Nature Precedings, Philica, Social Science Research Network, and Vixra); have previously been presented at conferences (With 30% additional work) and not published in the journal. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI) and a link to the published articles on the appropriate journal website upon publication.Author's Responsibilities
- Author/s warrants that his/their manuscript is an original work that has not been published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere either in printed or electronic form.
- Authors warrant that all who have contributed significantly to the manuscript are indicated as authors.
- Authors warrant that the rights of third parties will not be violated and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
- Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.
- Authors wishing to include figures, charts, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
- It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that papers submitted to this journal are written with ethical standards in mind and that they do not contain plagiarism. The authors affirm that the article contains no unfounded or unlawful statements and does not violate the rights of others.
- When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal editorial office or publisher and cooperate to address the issue in accordance with COPE guidelines.
AIJR Publisher's Responsibilities
- Protect the reputation of our journals and published work by publishing content of the highest quality and relevance in a timely and responsible manner.
- Provide detailed information concerning both our understanding of publication ethics and our implementation of the same. Emphasise a desire for prevention, not eventual detection, of ethical misconduct.
- Adhere to COPE's core practice and keep our editorial boards, publishing staff, and society partners up-to-date with their guidelines and policies, adapting our own where appropriate.
- When necessary, request proof of originality/accuracy from the corresponding author of any work submitted to any of our journals.
- Use plagiarism detection software (currently using similarity check by CrossRef powered by Ithenticate) when necessary for any submission to any journal at any stage of the submissions and publication process.
- Provide a transparent submission and publication process, with full respect and care paid to the author. This includes detailed and dedicated instructions to authors for each journal, outlining referencing style, accepted article types, and submission processes.
- Investigate thoroughly any suggestion of ethical misconduct detected during any stage of the submissions process. This can include but is not restricted to plagiarism, redundant publication, fabrication or misuse of data, and authorial disputes.
- Correct substantive errors in galley according to COPE guidelines in a timely fashion. When necessary, retract articles that we deem to be unethical, misleading, or damaging according to the retraction policy and COPE guideline.
- When necessary, publish errata, corrigenda, and retractions in a timely and responsible fashion, detailing the decision through notice publication.
- Remain in good communication with editors, authors, reviewers, and society partners (where applicable).
Editor's Responsibilities
- An editor is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to this journal will be published and in which issue.
- The editor is guided by the policies of the Journal's Editorial Board, taking into account the quality of papers, their originality, relevance, and readability, and their accord with the aims and scopes of the journal.
- The editor is obliged to provide clear and transparent guidelines for Authors in preparing manuscripts for publishing. Instructions for Authors are available on the journal's website.
- The editor is obliged to provide clear and transparent guidelines for Peer Reviewers, to provide confidentiality of peer review, and to protect Peer Reviewers' identity. Editors are also encouraged to give reviewing credit to each reviewer through Publons reviewer recognition platform.
- The editor should send articles to verified reviewers only available in the reviewer database. If other reviewers are required to be invited, the editor should verify their identity, email address, and subject expertise through all possible web searches.
- Editor and Editorial Board take into account legal requirements in force regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editor is due to react if there is any justified suspicion about ethical misconduct in both published and unpublished papers.
- The editor must hold no conflict of interest with regard to the articles considered for publication. If Editor feels that there is likely to be a perception of a conflict of interest, the selection of reviewers and all decisions on the paper shall be made by another editorial board member. Since the identity of the authors and reviewers should be unknown to each other, the Editor is obliged to guarantee their anonymity.
Reviewer's Responsibilities
- Manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not use knowledge of the work they are reviewing before its publication to further their own interests.
- Reviewers must not have any conflict of interest with respect to the manuscript and authors. If any conflicts exist, the reviewers must report them to the Editor without delay.
- Reviewers are obliged to send the review report to the Editorial Board within two weeks upon receipt of the manuscript. Reviews must be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is deemed inappropriate. Reviewers are expected to express their views clearly, with supporting arguments.
- The reviewer should accept reviewing invitation only if that manuscript relevant to the reviewer's expertise. The reviewer should notify the Editor If found himself/herself unqualified to review the research work reported in the manuscript or knows that its timely review will be impossible.
- Seek advice from the editor if anything is unclear at the time of invitation and remain in good communication with both the publisher and the editor.
- If there is any justified suspicion about plagiarism or ethical misconduct in the manuscript, the reviewer is obliged to inform the Editor about it.
- Reviewers should alert the Editor to any well-founded suspicions or the knowledge of possible violations of ethical standards by the authors.
- Reviewers should recognize relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors and alert the Editor to substantial similarities between a reviewed manuscript and any manuscript published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, in the event, they are aware of such. Reviewers should also alert the Editor to a parallel submission of the same manuscript to another journal, in the event they are aware of such.
Identifying Conflict of Interest
Any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications or opinions stated including- pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department or organization, personal relationships, or direct academic competition.
Ethical Consideration for Human and Animal-Related Study
If the research work involves the use of human/animal subjects, an ethical approval/exemption letter should be obtained from IRB/ethical committee/institution head and should be uploaded scan copy of the ethical approval/exemption letter during manuscript submission. If the human participant is involved, a signed & informed consent letter should be taken from the participant by informing the purpose, benefit, risk, and other associated factors with the study. The editor may ask to upload a scanned copy if required. In all such studies, the author will require to include a set of declarations before the references section as described in the author guideline of this journal.Procedures for Dealing with Unethical Behavior
Anyone may inform the journal or publisher at any time of suspected unethical behavior or any type of misconduct by giving the necessary information/evidence to start an investigation.Investigation
An editor will consult with the Section Editors on decisions regarding the initiation of an investigation. During an investigation, any evidence should be treated as strictly confidential and only made available to those strictly involved in investigating. The accused will always be given the chance to respond to any charges made against them. If it is judged at the end of the investigation that misconduct has occurred, then it will be classified as either minor or major.
Minor Misconduct
Minor misconduct will be dealt directly with those involved without involving any other parties, e.g.:
- Communicating with authors/reviewers whenever a minor issue involving misunderstanding or misapplication of academic standards has occurred.
- A warning letter to an author or reviewer regarding fairly minor misconduct.
Major Misconduct
The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Section Editors, and, when appropriate, further consultation with a group of experts should make any decision regarding the course of action to be taken using the evidence available. The possible outcomes are as follows (these can be used separately or jointly):
- Publication of a formal announcement or editorial describing the misconduct.
- Informing the author's (or reviewer's) head of department or employer of any misconduct by means of a formal letter.
- Referring the case to the author's organization for further investigation and action.
- The formally announced retraction of publications from the journal in accordance with the COPE guideline and Retraction Policy.
- A ban on submissions from an individual for a defined period.
When dealing with unethical behavior, the Editorial Staff will rely on the guidelines and recommendations provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publicationethics.org
Retraction Policy
Manuscripts published in the Journal shall remain extant, exact, and unaltered as long as it is possible. However, occasionally, circumstances may arise where a published manuscript will later require retraction. The main reason for retraction is serious flaws in the article which were not detected prior to publishing. The aim of retraction is for preserving the integrity of science and not for the purpose of punishing the author. Standards for dealing with retractions have been developed by a number of library and scholarly bodies, and COPE practice has been adopted by this journal to deal with retraction. The original content of the retracted article will remain unchanged with a watermark in the PDF indicating on each page that it is RETRACTED.Peer Review Process
The aim of the peer review process is to establish the technical soundness of a submission. Referees and Editorial Board Members will determine whether a paper is scientifically valid and deserve publication or not. International Annals of Science is committed to providing an efficient service for both, authors and readers. Our blind peer-review system along with the editorial board of independent editors provides a means of rapid and fair publication decisions.
Each manuscript is handled by an Editorial Board Member and undergoes peer review by two or more referees in addition to the Editorial Board Member. The Editorial Board Members are active researchers from all fields within the journal's scope, manage the peer review process, and decide whether a paper should be accepted for publication or not. Click here to read more about the required time of reviewing process in this journal.
The full peer-review process including editorial workflow can be understood through the flowchart available on the website by clicking here.
Reviewer Guideline
An invitation email with the article title, abstract, reviewing due date, and link to access the reviewer's dashboard will be sent to the verified reviewer where the reviewer can login using their user id and password to accept or decline the review request. If the reviewer chooses to accept the reviewing task a page of reviewing guidelines will open which will contain a brief instruction for the reviewer and a few links to additional resources for the reviewer. After reading the guideline, the reviewer can click on “continue to step #3 tab which will enable downloading the full manuscript and a filling review response form. Review response form normally contains few questionnaires and two textboxes; one for writing comments to the author and the other for writing confidential comments to the editor. The reviewer can fill this response form when ready to provide feedback and select recommendation from the dropdown list then click on the "submit review" button. Additionally, the reviewer may upload their review report as a word/pdf file attachment which is optional and not recommended unless necessary due to mathematical symbols/typo requirements. Click here for complete reviewer guidelines.Publication Frequency
International Annals of Science is a refereed international journal with a continuous online publication program on daily basis. Accepted articles will be published as soon as ready for publication in a half-yearly published volume i.e. 2 volumes per year and always free to access, download and reuse under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
Open Access Policy
International Annals of Science provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full texts of these articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) end-user license.
Digital Archiving Policy
International Annals of Science utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
All of our published content is freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license and will be preserved in the PKP Private LOCKSS Network (PLN).
Article Processing Charge (APC)
All articles published in the "International Annals of Science" are fully open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This journal offers the following publishing model based on reviewing time and author(s) interest as per detail is given below-
Regular Publication (Low-cost): (Effective from 26/11/2019)
In this publishing model author(s) need to pay a publishing fee as low as $50 (USD) after the article gets ready for acceptance. For Indian authors publishing charges will be ₹3500+GST. In the regular publishing model, the first-round review report will be available within 5-10 weeks of the submission date. The second round review may take up to 3 weeks. Normally there would be only 2 rounds of review and if a third round requires it may take up to 2 weeks. Unsatisfactory revision even after the third round review will be rejected. There is no submission or any other kind of hidden fee for the article submitted to this journal.
All submitted articles will be automatically processed under Regular publication (from 26 Nov 2019) if the author(s) do not send a separate request for Rapid Publication Options through the comment section during submission or by sending an email request after submission.
Rapid Publication: Author(s) can choose the rapid publication model by writing in comments for the Editor section of submission step 1 that they are interested in rapid publication and agree to pay the article processing charge after the article gets ready for acceptance as per the following schedule (Select one of the options)-
Rapid Review 1: The first round review report will be available within 3 weeks and the author(s) will need to pay $100 (USD) if ready for acceptance. The second and each subsequent round may take up to 2 weeks with a maximum of 3 rounds.
Rapid Review 2: The first round review report will be available within 12-14 days and the author(s) will need to pay $500 (USD) if ready for acceptance. The second and each subsequent round may take up to 10 days with a maximum of 3 rounds.
Rapid Review 3: The first round review report will be available within 5-7 days and the author(s) will need to pay $1000 (USD) if ready for acceptance. The second and each subsequent round may take up to 5 days with a maximum of 4 rounds.
Normally there would be only 2 review rounds to take a final decision however, in case of unsatisfactory revision, a final decision will be taken after completing the maximum review rounds as explained above in each option. If the author forgets to choose the rapid publication model during submission, then they can email to ias@aijr.org at any later stage by mentioning one of the above options. If the author(s) do not indicate their interest in Rapid publication, the article will be automatically considered under regular publication.
Kindly note that all publishing models have the same review process and acceptance criteria, the only difference is the time period of reviewing.
Note: Considering articles under rapid review will depend upon the availability of related reviewers which will be confirmed to the author after they request for rapid review. Further, the article under rapid review cannot be withdrawn at any stage of submission/publication. The author will be responsible for the timely response of any query/comments or an explanation if requires an extension. Not responding to the editor will be considered as author misconduct which may result in blocking, surcharge, or other misconduct action. APC is not refundable in any circumstances even if the article gets retracted or removed due to the author's ethical misconduct.
The above APC info has been updated on 15/11/2019
APC for Non-academic R&D divisions
Research Articles from the authors belong to the R&D division of non-academic industries will be processed as follows-
Regular Publication (Non-academic): In this option author(s) need to pay $500 (USD) after the article gets ready for acceptance. For Indian authors, APC will be Rs 35000/- (INR). In this option, the first-round review report will be available within 3 weeks of the submission date. The second round review may take up to 2 weeks. Normally there would be only 2 review rounds and if the third round requires it may take up to 10 days. Unsatisfactory revision even after the third round review will be rejected.
Rapid Review (Non-academic): The first round review report will be available within 10-14 days and the author(s) will need to pay $1000 (USD) if ready for acceptance. The second and each subsequent round may take up to 10 days with a maximum of 3 rounds.
Submitting author need to select any one option after the submission either by emailing us or by replying discussion initiated by us. The article will get processed after selecting an option.
International Annals of Science will be Indexed in most of the popular scientific databases. Full indexing detail will be updated here.
CrossMark Policy
All articles of the International Annals of Science will be Published with CrossMark logo to maintain the publication record. Click here to view the AIJR publisher policy for CrossMark.
No Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious issue and very easy to avoid. Plagiarized articles are not allowed to be published in the International Annals of Science (IAS). We are using CrossCheck service from CrossRef for the initial detection of possible plagiarism. But still, if any article is found to be plagiarized later on then appropriate action will be taken as per publisher guidelines on plagiarism. We will review suspected/claimed articles as per the publication ethics of the AIJR publisher and that article might be retracted.
Licensing policy
All articles published in the International Annals of Science are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) unless otherwise stated. Under this license, author(s) retain ownership of the copyright for their content but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy the content for non-commercial purposes as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers for non-commercial use.
Click here for more information on licensing policy.
Privacy Statement
The names, affiliations, email addresses, and other personal information provided to us and/or collected by us will be stored and used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. In scholarly publishing, data concerning the authors, editors, reviewers, and others involved in the editorial and publishing process remains necessary for the purposes of the journal. We retain a historical record of the process involved in reviewing, editing, and publishing the manuscript according to best publishing practices. This does not apply to someone solely registered as a reader with us, the users with only a reader role may request to delete all their data completely from the journal. Learn more about our privacy policy
Journal History
This Journal was launched in April 2016 by AIJR Publisher (India) and is scheduled to publish its first issue in October 2016. The title of this Journal is registered in CrossRef with doi 10.21467/ias. ISSN of "International Annals of Science" is 2456-7132 [Online].About Publisher
International Annals of Science (ISSN: 2456-7132) is published by AIJR Publisher; An Open Access Online Journal Publisher (India). Click here to visit at publisher's homepage.
Publisher's Mailing Address
AIJR Publisher
Dhaurahra, Balrampur
Uttar Pradesh
India 271604
email: info@aijr.org