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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (Duplicate or Simultaneous submissions are not allowed).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF document, OpenOffice, or LaTeX file format (Submission in Pdf file format is not considerable).
  • Bachelor/Master's degree students are not included as an author. The authors below Ph.D. level students are not allowed in this journal. Mentored work of such students can be submitted to either the Advanced Journal of Graduate Research or to the Advanced Journal of Social Science by following the author guidelines of the respective journals.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the author's guidelines. Further, the manuscript is neither written by generative AI tools nor contains AI-generated content.

Author Guidelines

Only original, plagiarism-free review articles are allowed to submit here. Kindly do not submit questionnaire-based survey articles in this journal (Survey Articles are different than Review Articles). The submission should include major elements of a review article such as; Title, authors with affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Body with Suitable Headings, Discussion, Conclusion, Competing Interests & other declarations, References, etc. The author should consider the following for technical formatting-

File Type

  • The preferred file format is Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc, .rtf).
  • LaTeX submissions are also allowed.
  • We do not accept submissions in PDF file format.

Manuscript Title
The title helps readers to decide whether they should read the article or not. It should reflect the main topic and objective of the review article.

  • The title must be concise & informative. Abbreviations, symbols, and punctuations should be avoided.
  • The title must contain key elements of the subject matter reflecting the topic & objective of the review.
  • The title may be split into “Main Title; Subtitle” (separated by a semicolon) without repeating the terms as they shall appear & read together.

Authors & Affiliation
The authors shall be added in an agreed order by adhering to the authorship policy.

  • Full Name (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
  • Highest Academic Degree and/or Current working or studying Status.
  • Working email id of each author.
  • Affiliations (Department, Institution, City, Country/Region). Please ensure that affiliations are clearly linked to the correct author.
  • Corresponding author Identification with asterisk mark (shall be same as the submitting author).

Note:  Authors below Ph.D. level students are not allowed in this journal. Bachelor/Master's degree students shall not be included as an author.  Mentored work of such students can be submitted to either the Advanced Journal of Graduate Research or to the Advanced Journal of Social Science by following the author guidelines of the respective journals.

An abstract should be approximately 200-300 words to provide a brief summary of the review question being addressed, the review strategy, and the conclusions drawn.

  • Unstructured Abstract with a maximum of 300 words is preferred. However, subheadings may be included if required (e.g., objective, Review Criteria, Analysis, and conclusions).
  • The abstract should not include any reference citations.
  • Acronyms and abbreviations should be included only if used more than once

Keywords: Maximum 3 most relevant keywords separated by comma (,).

The introduction section provides clear information about the context, indicates the motivation for the review, defines the focus, and explains the text structure.

  • The introduction must address the objective and outline that what you will discuss throughout the review article.
  • Introduce your topic focusing on why this topic is important. Outline the order in which you will discuss each subtopic to give the reader any background information needed to understand the coming sections.
  • The scope of a Review should be broad enough that it is not dominated by the work of a single laboratory, and particularly not by the author's own work.
  • An introductory section without subheadings is preferred however it may be divided into relevant subheadings for better representation (if required). e.g., Background; Problem, Motivation, Objective, etc.

Review Criteria (Optional)
Systematic and best evidence reviews may require a Review Criteria section (Instead of Methods). This section enables motivated researchers to repeat the review.

  • Depending on the type of review article (e.g., in the systematic review), the author may require to mention the review criteria (instead of materials & Methods).
  • It may include the detail of how the research for the content of the review was performed, e.g. search strategies, inclusion/exclusion criteria with reason, geographical location, selection of databases and their justification, etc.
  • Should be written in past tense and provide information necessary to repeat the review.

Analysis (Optional)
Depending on the type of review article (e.g., in the systematic review), the author may require to mention a separate analysis section (instead of Results) to represent an analysis of reviewed papers or analysis of data acquired through reviewing of previous publications.

Main Body
The main body shall be structured by focused headings and subheadings.

  • Break it up into well-defined sections to include the subtopics that you are addressing which can take different forms depending on your topic.
  • The article structure should contain very specific sections with suitable headings/subheadings to address all of the literature in detail, in an organized fashion with extensive Discussion & the author's own insight.
  • Each section shall provide insight into the chosen topic that moves from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your review article.
  • The statistical significance of the review analysis and their relevance should be clearly and concisely discussed

It’s a brief summary section without subheadings & citations that answer the research question set in the introduction.

  • The authors should develop the conclusion by briefly restating the rationale for their review and the purpose of the article, then discussing the conclusions they have drawn. This section should also discuss the implications of the findings, interpretations, and identify unresolved questions based on the objective identified in the introduction section.
  • The conclusion section represents the evaluation of the current state of the reviewed articles by identifying significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge. Outline areas for future study and write your opinions about the clarity, accuracy, and significance of the article in this paragraph. It can be helpful for further research direction.


  • Competing Interests (mandatory): A conflict of interest statement for all authors.
  • Study Limitations (optional): An assessment of whether the studies were adequate to reach a conclusion that can be applied to a much larger group, stating reasons. Suggestions for future studies can be provided.
  • Acknowledgment (Optional): Authors may express gratitude to people who helped with the literature search, the structuring of the material, or during the writing process (but whose contribution is too small to justify co-authorship). The author may also express gratitude to the funding organization and specifies the funding program (often required by funding agencies).
  • Any other necessary declaration.

The reference citation (in-text citation) and reference list shall be in a consistent style (Either in IEEE or APA Style). The author shall make sure that all cited references are included in the list and vice-versa.

  • Maximum 300 references with a limit of a maximum of 25 references/1000 words.
  • At least 50% of reference citations shall be from the last 2 years (recent references).
  • Self-citation shall be less than 20% of total citations.
  • Only papers that have been published by a named publication or recognized preprint server should be in the reference list. Published conference abstracts, patents, and research datasets may be included in the reference list.
  • Unpublished primary research data or unpublished theses are not permitted to be cited.
  • Social media, ResearchGate, grey literature, & other unauthentic internet sources are usually not allowed to cite as references. Tertiary sources such as Wikipedia, encyclopedias, or Dictionaries shall not be cited as a reference.
  • In the case of IEEE style, the references should be numbered sequentially throughout the text. Only one publication is given for each number and vice-versa. Organize the reference list by number in the order they were cited in the text.

Tables & Figures
All tables & Figures shall be placed at the appropriate place and explained within the text by referring to the corresponding table & figure number.

  • All tables should have a Table number & descriptive title (caption). The tables shall be drawn using the MS Word table tool (table in image format is not allowed) and all cells must have an entry. All abbreviations should be defined, and a footnote just below the table is allowed.
  • All figures should have a figure number & descriptive title (caption). All figures shall be of high resolution & text within the figures shall be clearly readable without any distortion or blurry appearance. The axes title and other labels shall be clearly mentioned with applicable units.

Additional Note:
Do not use headings such as Materials & Methods, Methodology, Literature Review, Related Works, Results, etc. Refer to this editorial article for more detail on structuring your Review Article.

Review Article

Review articles should be balanced with the objective analysis of the current research topics with descriptions of relevant literature and discussions that are easy to grasp for the audience. Review articles should provide the authors' insight into major challenges in the field and their opinions for future research directions. The manuscript should not be less than 10 single-spaced typed A4 pages and it should contain at least 50% recent reference citation from the last 2 years. Kindly follow the author guidelines for manuscript preparation.

Book Review

Book reviews are short articles of around 1500 words that are written by specialists and read by the general community. The aim of a Book Review is to give a brief summary of the book's strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate the book's overall usefulness to the audience it is intended for. The publishing fee for a book review is $50 per article.

Privacy Statement

The names, affiliation, email addresses, and other personal information provided to us and/or collected by us will be stored and used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. In scholarly publishing, data concerning the authors, editors, reviewers, and others involved in the editorial and publishing process remains necessary for the purposes of the journal. We retain a historical record of the process involved in reviewing, editing, and publishing the manuscript according to best publishing practices. This does not apply to someone solely registered as a reader with us, the users with only reader role may request to delete all their data completely from the journal. Learn more about our privacy policy at this link.