Cryptosporidium in the Philippines
This short review provides an overview regarding the research findings on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium in the Philippines. It seeks to set conjecture about its possible role on the increasing waterborne disease incidences in the country. Intensive search of journal articles was done among major databases, online. The first report of Cryptosporidium infection in the country was in 1985. Past more than 30 years, Cryptosporidium is not yet well-understood in the Philippines, but an increasing research interest has been observed among Filipinos in the past few years. Recently, waterborne transmission of the infection appeared in the studies to be more potent than zoonotic and person-to-person transmissions. An improvement on the detection methods was also observed, giving an improved knowledge on the molecular diversity of Cryptosporidium in the country. Despite these improvements, the paucity of the data regarding the impact of Cryptosporidium to the public health in the Philippines is still apparent. One Health approach is recommended to fully understand the interconnections between human, animal, and environment as reservoirs of the infective stage of the parasite. Dedication of the researchers in understanding their geographical distribution, molecular diversity, and environmental and climatic behaviour will eventually uncover the public health implications of Cryptosporidium in the country.
Cryptosporiodium, Philippines, Protozoan, Public Health, Waterborned, ZoonoticDownloads
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