Spatio-Temporal Variation Study of Physico -Chemical Parameters Characterizing Water Quality of Oued M’zab Region, Algeria
This work involves the study of hydrological characteristics of the groundwater of Oued M'zab, due to the domestic, agricultural, and industrial pollution. The different sampling points are located upstream and downstream of the river. Water samples of groundwater were taken monthly at stations spread over the flow of the river. The wells are distributed throughout the course of the flow of the river. The measured hydrological parameters (temperature, salinity, suspended particles) showed significant monthly variations with a high concentration of total suspended solids which reached 71.72 mg \ l. The same results indicate that the groundwater is rich in minerals and nutritious elements while on the set of sampled points only salinity showed significant variations. The maximum value of the sulphate with a concentration of approximately 2597mg \ l. The chlorides and sodium concentrations reach respectively the values of 1633 mg \ l and 1970 mg \ l. This indicates that the infiltration of water of M'zab contains several pollutants contributing to the degradation of the quality of groundwater, Hence the need for preventive measures, conservative and prospects to preserve our layer from pollution.
Oued M’zab Region, pollution, contamination, industrial waste, groundwater, salinityDownloads
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