Composition of Mangroves and Mangrove Associates in Barangay Ata Atahon, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Mangroves are essential components of the coastal biome and have an extremely productive ecosystem. It provides benefits for both the environment and humans. Valuation of the diversity and species composition plays a crucial role in the conservation and protection. This study aimed to assess the composition of mangroves and mangrove associates in Barangay Ata-Atahon, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Philippines. Three sampling stations were established with a 50-meter interval in every station. Transect lines of 50 meters were laid perpendicular to the shoreline. The results show that 19 species of mangroves and 5 mangrove associates were recorded. Ceriops decandra was found to be the dominant species with 303 individuals and constituting 36% of the entire mangroves population. While Camptostemon philippinensis, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata had the lowest number of individuals and made up a combination of 5%. In mangrove associates, Avicennia rumphiana made up 47% of the population and was followed by Avicennia marina (40%). This implied that the study area is less diverse based on the observed species when compared to the 46-mangrove species found in the Philippines alone. Necessarily, reforestation and conservation efforts must be attained to fill the gaps between the community and mangrove sustainability. Thus, determining the species diversity and composition measures ecological status. Mitigations and ecological management must be enacted by the locality to further conserve the mangrove ecosystem.
Biodiversity, Mangroves, Caraga RegionDownloads
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