Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis from Cocoa Farmer Field Collection of ICT - Peru
To induce the formation of embryogenic structures from staminodes, in 10 cocoa genotypes (Theobroma cacao L.) from the ICT Collection, the influence of the combination of two growth hormones (2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic 2,4 -D and Thidiazuron TDZ) was studied. Floral explants (staminodes), were induced to form calli in a culture medium supplemented with modified DKW mineral salts. At 12 days of implantation in the culture medium, the explants responded to the callus induction with a bulge at the base, covering the explants totally with callus at 40 days of culture. Embryogenic expression was shown at 52 days of culture. The genotypes ICT-2161 and ICT-2142 shows the highest percentage of somatic embryogenesis. Four types of callus, fine crystalline, thick crystalline, semi-compact and compact were observed. In addition, a clear organogenic response was observed when roots were formed from the callus generated.
Tissue culture, tropical crops, in vitro propagation, micro propagationDownloads
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