Survey on Security for WSN based VANET using ECC
With the increase in population, there is an increase in the number of car users drastically. Around the world, either millions of people die due to car accidents or they are severely injured by the accident. Most of the accidents occur due to lack of common information the drivers, as the lane change, applying sudden break, traffic congestion, etc, are the causes of accidents. Safety information such as speed limits, road conditions, traffic status, accidents, etc..., are used in some countries, but still more work is to be achieved. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) should be implemented and they should collect and distribute necessary safety information to other vehicles. VANET is a combination of Road Side Units (RSU’s) and On-Board Units (OBU’s). These RSU’s and OBU’s consist of various sensors, which are used to collect various data. The data collected by the sensors on the OBU’s on the vehicles can either be sent to another vehicle or can be displayed to the driver. Similarly, the sensor collects data at the RSU and sends the data to other RSU or depending on its nature and importance, the RSU may even be broadcasted to other vehicles. The main objective is to provide safety to the drivers, the passengers and to the information that is being transmitted between the nodes. However, in some scenarios, VANET’s may not guarantee timely detection of issues or any type of dangerous. We propose a solution by the integration of VANET and WSN to create a hybrid infrastructure with the in inexpensive wireless sensor nodes integrated on RSU’s along the roadside and on the OBU’s in the vehicle. As the new hybrid structure is proposed, there may be challenges that may occur. This article discussed these challenges and solutions to create an efficient and well-organized VANET-WSN Hybrid network.
Security, VANET, WSN.Downloads
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