An Introduction to Electromyography Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition: A Brief Overview




Electromyography (EMG) is about studying electrical signals from muscles and can provide a wealth of information on the function, contraction, and activity of your muscles. In the field of EMG pattern recognition, these signals are used to identify and categorize patterns linked to muscle activity. Various machine learning (ML) methods are used for this purpose. Successful detection of these patterns depends on using effective signal-processing techniques. It is crucial to reduce noise in EMG for accurate and meaningful information about muscle activity, improving signal quality for precise assessments. ML tools such as SVMs, neural networks, KNNs, and decision trees play a crucial role in sorting out complex EMG signals for different pattern recognition tasks. Clustering algorithms also help analyze and interpret muscle activity. EMG and ML find diverse uses in rehabilitation, prosthetics, and human-computer interfaces, though real-time applications come with challenges. They bring significant changes to prosthetic control, human-computer interfaces, and rehabilitation, playing a vital role in pattern recognition. They make prosthetic control more intuitive by understanding user intent from muscle signals, enhance human-computer interaction with responsive interfaces, and support personalized rehabilitation for those with motor impairments. The combination of EMG and ML opens doors for further research into understanding muscle behavior, improving feature extraction, and advancing classification algorithms.


EMG, Pattern recognition, Machine learning



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Review Article

How to Cite

A. Ojha, “An Introduction to Electromyography Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition: A Brief Overview”, Extsv. Rev., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 24–37, Dec. 2023.