Intersectionality in Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies
A Critical Review
The review article draws on key literature on intersectionality: theory, methodology, and empirical applications in Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies. The review points out the urgent need to account for diverse learners’ intersectional identities (racial/ethnic backgrounds, gender, linguistic ability, citizenship status, and other social identity markers) and embrace a social-justice-oriented praxis in education. We argue that integrating the intersectionality framework with existing learning theories, methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed), and pedagogies is possible and necessary. Based on the critical review, we propose four recommendations for researchers and practitioners in Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies: (a) staying faithful to the activism and liberatory commitment of intersectionality, (b) adopting appropriate method(s) and methodology with sound epistemological and axiological orientations, (c) reconceptualizing extant learning theories, which entails the re-thinking and validation of some education and psychological constructs, and (d) encouraging teaching and research on intersectionality and/or from an intersectional lens. The review article can serve as a guideline to incorporate intersectionality as theory and analytical framework. It is only through these practices that center intersectionality that we, as researchers and practitioners, become capable of creating a more equitable and inclusive learning environment from K-12 to Higher Education.
intersectionality, quantitative methods, educational psychologyDownloads
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