Micropropagation of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Cassava is a vital crop to the food security of millions of people worldwide, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. Because the crop produced a reasonable yield on marginal soils, it could help relieve global hunger. As a result, increasing cassava output and its quality attributes are significant. However, the low multiplication rate of this main crop has resulted in the delayed dissemination of improved varieties among farmers. As a result, tissue culture techniques may be a feasible solution for overcoming these challenges. Cassava in vitro propagation had done using either the shoots multiplication technique or somatic embryogenesis. However, the shoot multiplication approach is preferable since it retains clonal fidelity. Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis entailed the use of numerous basal media containing various plant growth hormones. Several studies found that each type of cassava clone required a unique protocol to achieve optimal shoot initiation, shoot multiplication, root induction, and elongation. This review describes recent research on cassava micropropagation that makes use of a variety of experimental systems. While each of these systems focuses on a different aspect of technique, they can be significant in understanding the in vitro production of cassava planting material.
Acclimatization, Cassava, MicropropagationDownloads
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