The Importance of Review Articles & its Prospects in Scholarly Literature


  • Adam A Bahishti AIJR Publisher



With the growing number of scholarly publications around the world, it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up to date with all of it. To address this issue, authors often write an insightful review article on the recent developments within their research field based on the critical review of already published original research articles. Review articles are papers that compile, summarize, critique, and synthesize the available research information on a topic. Reviews can serve as a basis for knowledge development, create guidelines for policy and practice, provide evidence of an application, highlight research gap, and if well conducted, have the capacity to engender new ideas and serve as the grounds for future research directions. To be concise, extensive review articles play an important role as a foundation for all types of research & its application. In this editorial, I will highlight the importance of review articles along with expectations from the author who intends to submit their insightful reviews to this journal “Extensive Reviews”. I encourage research scholars to write insightful and extensive review articles as a service to the scientific community and to enhance their own knowledge.


Review Articles, Scholarly Literature, Importance of Reviews


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How to Cite

A. A. Bahishti, “The Importance of Review Articles & its Prospects in Scholarly Literature”, Extsv. Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–6, Sep. 2021.