Leaders of Welcoming and Affirming Churches in North Carolina Discuss their Roles in HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention
Some church leaders work to increase HIV testing and spread messages to reduce stigma. This study focuses on how leaders of North Carolina churches considered welcoming and affirming by the LGBTQ+ community discuss and disseminate information about HIV/AIDS to church members and communities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six leaders of different denominations between April and May 2023. A thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews found three main approaches: 1) HIV is not addressed directly, but we are here; 2) provide access to educational resources; and 3) fight stigma. Results confirm welcoming/affirming churches could play a significant role in, not only educating their communities about HIV, but also reducing the stigma associated with the disease.
Faith-based, HIV, LGBTQDownloads
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