Advanced Journal of Social Science 2024-04-02T11:30:05+00:00 Adv. Journal of Social Science Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><a title="Click for Journal homepage" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="float: right; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="AJSS" /></a>Advanced Journal of Social Science (AJSS) [ISSN: 2581-3358] is an online-only, open access, refereed journal in the field of sociology published by AIJR Publisher. This Social Science journal will publish free articles for the manuscript submitted in the year 2018. <strong>Research articles suitable for this sociology journal includes the field of humanities, education, economics, political science, human geography, demography, psychology, sociology, history, and management, etc.</strong></p> The Impact of the 2021 Fire in the Municipality of Ancient Olympia in Greece on the Mental Health of Residents 2024-03-01T06:34:38+00:00 Manolis Nikolaos Mentis Eleni Mavroeidi Konstantina Bousia Konstantinos Mavroyiannis Theodoros Tsokos Georgia Konstantopoulou <p>A natural disaster is the probability of a potentially catastrophic event occurring over a period of time in a specific geographical area. The aim of this research was to investigate whether the catastrophic fire of 2021 affected the mental health, in terms of post-traumatic stress and depression, of the social care services beneficiaries in the Municipality of Ancient Olympia in Greece. A questionnaire was used which, apart from demographic questions, contained two main tools: a) the PCL Scale (a tool for assessing post-traumatic stress), b) the Geriatric Depression Scale. The individuals with post-traumatic stress in the sample are in the range of moderate to high PTSD symptomatology. The majority of the participants are in the range of moderate PTSD symptomatology, but there is also a significant percentage who are in the range of high PTSD symptomatology. In terms of geriatric depression, the individuals in the sample are close to the mean. This article was written to serve as reference for the PTSD that can be directly caused by natural disasters.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Manolis Nikolaos Mentis, Eleni Mavroeidi, Konstantina Bousia, Konstantinos Mavroyiannis, Theodoros Tsokos, Georgia Konstantopoulou Leaders of Welcoming and Affirming Churches in North Carolina Discuss their Roles in HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention 2024-03-15T10:38:42+00:00 DaKysha Moore Sharon D Parker Zahra Fazil Khalaf <p>Some church leaders work to increase HIV testing and spread messages to reduce stigma. This study focuses on how leaders of North Carolina churches considered welcoming and affirming by the LGBTQ+ community discuss and disseminate information about HIV/AIDS to church members and communities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six leaders of different denominations between April and May 2023. A thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews found three main approaches: 1) HIV is not addressed directly, but we are here; 2) provide access to educational resources; and 3) fight stigma. Results confirm welcoming/affirming churches could play a significant role in, not only educating their communities about HIV, but also reducing the stigma associated with the disease.</p> 2024-03-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DaKysha Moore, Sharon D Parker, Zahra Fazil Khalaf Are Technologies Useful and Easy to Use: Results of A Cross-Sectional Survey 2024-04-02T11:30:05+00:00 Adinet Lock <p>Tools and technologies have strengths and weaknesses and can either reduce or increase complexity and make work easier or harder. This article aims to report the results of a survey that assessed the usefulness and ease of use of tools and technologies, and perceptions of participants about tools and technologies as a factor in complexity and project failure. A cross-sectional survey of 114 project managers, researchers, and decision-makers was conducted to assess if tools and technologies that participants use in their work are useful and easy to use by asking two questions based on a validated tool of user acceptance of technologies. Additionally, two questions asked participants which tools and technologies were most helpful in their work – one was an open question, and the other provided pre-selected choices of tools and technologies. Few participants chose tools and technologies as a factor that contributes to complexity and project failure, and most participants rated tools and technologies as useful and easy to use. However, the tools and technologies that were chosen by most as helpful for work, tend to be older and simpler and include tools such as checklists. In conclusion, even though tools and technologies are advancing rapidly, most participants in the current survey chose older tools and technologies as helpful in their work. The relevance of these findings is that there appears to be barriers to the adoption of newer technologies such as artificial intelligence and algorithms. The barriers to the adoption of new tools and technologies should be explored further.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adinet Lock Why Not Us? Experiences of Incarcerated Women on Education Access in Malawi Prisons 2024-04-02T11:29:59+00:00 Samson C R Kajawo Lineo R Johnson <p>Many incarcerated women worldwide have low education profiles that cause them to commit petty criminal offences among others. Thus, education access to incarcerated people, including women can be undoubtedly an indispensable strategy for their rehabilitation. However, education access could still be patriarchal and not accessible to women in prisons. Guided by radical feminist theory, this study employed a qualitative narrative research approach to explore from incarcerated women and correctional officers how education was made accessible at two prison facilities in Malawi. The key finding was that there was social injustice in the provision of education to offenders. Education access was monopolised by male inmates. Women were denied access to education even though they needed and demanded it since authorities preferred to use the available inadequate educational resources to provide education to only male inmates. It was recommended that gender equality needed to be exercised in the provision of education opportunities in prisons. Where resources are scarce, at least similar educational resources should be made equally and equitably accessible to both male and female inmates.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Samson C R Kajawo, Lineo R Johnson A Cross-Sectional Online Survey of Researchers, Project Managers, and Decision-Makers to Assess Factors That Contribute to Complexity and Project Success 2024-04-02T11:30:03+00:00 Adinet Lock Grigory Sergeenko <p>Complexity is a major problem for managers and decision-makers and needs to be addressed for projects to succeed. The aim of this study was to explore the factors contributing to complexity and project failure and success. An online cross-sectional survey of 114 researchers, project managers and decision-makers was conducted to explore these factors. Results showed that all participants who use project management indicated that it contributes to the success of their projects. Humans and human interactions were chosen by most participants as the main factor responsible for complexity. Most participants indicated that poor communication and collaboration was the biggest factor preventing them from achieving their goals. Participants mostly prefer working with people that they have a lot in common with, and most indicated that smaller teams of four to five people are better for optimal performance compared with larger team sizes. Feeling valued, respected, and being adequately rewarded motivated participants to perform well. In conclusion, project management may be able to improve the chances of project success. Addressing human factors and interactions may reduce complexity and motivate people to perform well. Limitations of this research include convenience sampling and subjective responses to a cross-sectional survey rather than objective measurement of outcomes.</p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adinet Lock, Grigory Sergeenko