Human Factor Drivers of Change Readiness: A Targeted Approach to Change Success
The growing complexity of managing humans during change is evident in the increasing levels of uncertainty and risk. This research aimed to determine which two human factors drive change-ready individuals and to what extent. The researcher used a quantitative cross-sectional survey research design and convenience non-probability sampling method to determine change readiness. The validated change readiness survey was distributed on social media platforms between June 27 and July 9, 2022. The results included data from 112 participants whose average change readiness score was 7.8/10. Human factors that drove change readiness included resourcefulness (47.3%), confidence (34.8%), and optimism (30.4%). Those who were 10/10 change-ready were more likely to be confident (59%), females (93%), in age groups 18 – 25 and 58 – 67 years (30% respectively), and hold Master’s degrees (33%). On average 1.7 human factors drove change at any one time, which increased to 3.5 human factors in those who were most change‑ready. This research confirms a positive relationship between two core human factors and change readiness, namely resourcefulness and confidence. Change-ready individuals driven by resourcefulness and confidence have the potential to be strategic change agents and catalysts for project and change success. The result of this study can be replicated to generate a snapshot of change readiness with minimal effort and inconvenience and help to position the most change-ready individuals in roles of critical importance.
Change management, Change readiness, Human factorsDownloads
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