Exploring Language; Some Specificities, Complexities and Limitations in Human Communication and Social Interaction in Multi-cultural Contexts


  • Kelechi Chijioke Samuel School of Media Communication, Pan-Atlantic University




This paper explores the subject matter of human language as a social phenomenon in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society like Nigeria. The paper situates language as a complex social phenomenon which pervades every aspect of human life. It identifies the role of language in intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, and the complexities involved in every communicative event that must not be taken for granted. Furthermore, it identifies the functions and limitations of language, including its negative functions as viewed from Critical theory. The paper affirms that language is a central phenomenon in human cognitive development, internal conceptualization of thoughts and ideas, the external expression and sharing of thoughts, the perception and representation of social reality, the transmission of culture, and the maintenance of social relations. The paper further notes that language difference can be a source of social dysfunction in multi-lingual and multi-cultural societies like Nigeria.


Language, human communication, thought, cognition, perception, culture, social dysfunction


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How to Cite

Samuel, K. C. (2019). Exploring Language; Some Specificities, Complexities and Limitations in Human Communication and Social Interaction in Multi-cultural Contexts. Advanced Journal of Social Science, 5(1), 26–36. https://doi.org/10.21467/ajss.5.1.26-36