Science Project-based Learning Integrated with Local Potential to Promote Student’s Environmental Literacy Skills


  • Ellin Carlina Graduate Program of Science Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Djukri Department of Biological Education



The learning process of science requires teaching which gives students the opportunity to be active in direct experience learning and thinking about the problems in real-life. However, science learning method that is widely used so far only conventionally, so it has not accommodated students in providing direct experience and solutions to real life problems. In order to realize the science learning that allows students to build their own understanding of real life problems, suitable learning model is needed and one of which is project-based learning. This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of science project-based learning which is integrated with natural potential of Baruppu’ in Junior High School students’ environmental literacy skills. Sample consisted of 50 students in grade VII of SMPN 1 Baruppu’. Quasi-experimental with Non-equivalent Control-Group Design was used to know the effectiveness of learning model in student’s environmental literacy skills: cognitive skill and environmental affect components. The study design consists of two groups: 26 students of class VIIA as experimental group and 24 students of class VIIB as control group. Data collected consisted of scores that measured cognitive skill and scores from environmental affect survey. Data analysed utilizing an independent samples t-test to determine any differences in environmental literacy skills between experimental and control groups after treatment. The result showed that the science project-based learning which is integrated with natural potential of Baruppu’ was effective to promoted student’s environmental literacy skills.


project based learning, environmental literacy, environmental education, local potential, science learning


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Survey Article

How to Cite

Carlina, E., & Djukri. (2018). Science Project-based Learning Integrated with Local Potential to Promote Student’s Environmental Literacy Skills. Advanced Journal of Social Science, 4(1), 1–7.