Comparative Analysis of Household Energy Consumption in Ibadan Region; A Spatio-quantitative Approach
Understanding locational variations in household energy consumption is critical to ascertaining dichotomies of energy use, need and wellbeing. In recognition of this, the study compares quantities of household energy consumption among urban, peri-urban and rural areas in Ibadan region, Nigeria using Net Heating Value (NHV). It employs a stratified random sampling of 166 households across the three zones. Results show that electricity, majorly used for appliances is dominant in the urban in contrast to fuelwood at the peri-urban and rural areas where cooking is the major end use. Though the quantities of total household energy consumption do not vary significantly at p < .05, electricity consumption is however significantly higher in urban households than in peri-urban and rural households. The Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicate that socioeconomic characteristics significantly influenced the quantity of household energy consumption at the urban area only. Major variations between locations appear to be in energy types and end uses rather than quantity consumed.
energy consumption, spatio quantitative -, net heating value, urban, peri-urban, ruralDownloads
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