The Effect of IPR on the Condition of SMEs Survival; An Empirical Study of 800 SMEs of Company A from 1991 to the End of 2017 in Taiwan
Any powerful treatise comes from qualified enough evidence in Scientific Century 21th. Empirical research can supplement that lack of sufficient evidence to build stronger. There are many topics to discuss how important IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) or ICs (Intellectual Property Rights Capital) are, but lack of advanced analysis for how separate countable IPRs affect SMEs in detail. We utilize 800 enterprises, which have a real trading record with company A from 1991 to 2017 and have paid tax to government, to analyze above problem through correlations, hypothesis and regression methods. The goal of this research is to supplement existing shortage evidence in details not to argue any questions for any researcher. We hope the outcome of this research can be a worthful and a better reference or guidance for those SMEs, or entrepreneurs, or managers, or government…etc. in the future. We know that power of life comes from the condition of Survival, at the same time, all continuous contribution of SMEs come from the condition of SMEs Survival, too. Here, the major goals of this study are how separate countable IPRs affects the condition of SMEs Survival to support those propositions, what emphasize the importance of IPRs. Finally, we suggest a guideline of IPRs investment priority sequence for those leaders or owners of entrepreneurs, SMEs…etc., who plan to make IPRs investment strategy decision.
Intellectual Property Rights, Patent, Trademark, Enterprises, Survival, Management, TaiwanDownloads
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