Investigating the Factors That Influence Early Retirement of Private Sector Workers in the Center Region of Cameroon
Purpose: This study seeks to investigate the factors that influence early retirement of private sector workers in the center region of Cameroon.
Methodology: The grounded theory approach was used with a target population being workers of private sector organizations in the center region of Cameroon. A purposive sampling was used, where the population was selected from private organization, mainly; the multinational private companies, the transnational private companies and sole proprietor companies operating in the center region of Cameroon. Primary data was got through interviews to capture private sector workers’ opinions on aspects related to early retirements.
Research questions: The first research question was aimed at finding out the factors that influence early retirement of the private sector workers in the center region of Cameroon. The research continued with a second question to find out the most prominent factors presumed to affect early retirement. Finally, the research continued to find out to what extent these factors influence early retirement.
Findings: The findings revealed the overarching theme of work stress as the major factor that influence early retirement of the private sector workers in the center region of Cameroon. It also showed that low salaries and therefore weak financial strength of workers emerged as the overarching theme to explain the most prominent factors presumed to affect early retirement. Finally, the study showed that tough hierarchy decisions that do not take the views of employees into consideration and unclear work descriptions contributed to the quest for workers to retire early from the private sector in the center region of Cameroon.
Early retirement, private sector, organizationsDownloads
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