Social Media Use During Social Gathering Among Youth: A Study on Moghbazar Area of Dhaka City
The rise of social media and continuous technological advances have had a significant impact on how people communicate. Social media sites include social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, and any website that allows social interaction. Many studies have been conducted on the impact of social media, but this study is specifically based on the impact of social media on social gatherings in Dhaka. The primary objective of this study is to examine how the virtual world reshapes the way of social gathering. In this study, an online survey was administered to find out the level of engagement of social media during a social gathering. The researcher collected a total of 120 respondents using the purposive sampling method. Findings suggest that social media intensely affects social gatherings. Despite respondents' awareness of the decrease of face-to-face communication as a result of social media, more than 74 percent of respondents continue to use social media during a social gathering. Use of social media sites found to be harnessing the quality of conversation. While technology facilitates instant communication, it also harms regular interaction.
Social Media, Social Gathering, Face to Face CommunicationDownloads
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