The Effects of Co-Teaching Zones of Regulation on Elementary Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Risk Behaviors
Student misbehavior is a significant concern in the current classroom. Teachers nationwide have implemented several approaches to reduce student misbehavior, including School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and co-teaching. However, since misbehaver still disrupts learning, research is still needed to find a classroom intervention that will reduce misbehavior in a classroom to prevent students from under achieving, disruption of peers’ learning and teacher burnout. Zones of Regulation focuses on self-regulation, while addressing sensory processing, executive functioning, and emotional regulation. This experimental study tested the effects of co-taught Zones of Regulation on students’ Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS). Fifty-six early elementary students (48% female) were assigned randomly to either the experimental group, which received co-taught direct instruction with Zones of Regulation or the control group, which received standard instruction with a morning meeting. It was predicted that the experimental group would score higher on the SAEBRS than the control group. Although results showed no statistical difference on the SAEBRS scores between the two groups, more students in the experimental group moved from “at risk” to “not at risk”. This study suggests additional research needs to be conducted to determine if co-taught Zones of Regulation instruction is an effective intervention for reducing misbehavior.
Zones of Regulation, SAEBRS, school-wide intervention, risk behaviorDownloads
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