A Value Centred Paradigm to Moderate the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing
Digital transformation affects almost all areas of society and business and is of increasing interest to academics and industry practitioners. New digital technology is expected to enable manufacturing companies to capture competitive and productivity advantages compared to conventional methods. Aggregated information based on production process data represent a new production factor to generate innovative forms of digital value generation. Paradoxically, the implementation of digitalised production in manufacturing companies remains at unexpected low levels as companies’ investment decisions often vote against digitalisation due to uncertainty in judging novel forms of criteria related to digital value. Digital transformation constates a new set of latent structure and relationships to generate, capture and monetise value. A holistic view on heterogenous research disciplines related with digital transformation of production is proposed in this short communication. This research presents a new paradigm which takes the moderation function of value propositions, value architectures and value capture to evaluate projects relative to digitalised manufacturing.
Digitalised production, Digital transformation, Value capture, Industry 4.0, value architecture, Value propositionDownloads
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