Investigating the Determinants of App-based Land Transportation User Loyalty in Jakarta Using PLS-SEM Framework


  • Michael Christian Service Management, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta
  • Farida Jasfar Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta
  • Hamdy Hady Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI, Jakarta



This study aims to investigate user loyalty factors using application-based land transportation in Jakarta. The methodology in this study uses a quantitative approach and a questionnaire is used as an instrument to collect data. With an unknown population, this study used 301 samples of application-based land transportation users. The statistical method used to analyze the hypotheses in this study is Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with WARP-PLS. Based on the results of statistical tests, it was found that 6 hypotheses were accepted, and 5 hypotheses were rejected. The result of this study explains that ease of using the application affects the loyalty in using application-based transportation. Meanwhile, loyalty is not influenced by application display, service responsiveness in applications, service adjustment, service guarantee and user attitudes. This research further explains that the ease of using the application, application display, service adjustment, and service guarantee affect the user's attitude. On the other hand, service responsiveness does not affect attitude towards using. As novelty, the use of the loyalty framework in this study uses the use attitude as a mediator of main factors in service quality for application-based transportation in urban areas. As a managerial implication, it is interesting that the results of this study explain that loyalty in the use of application-based transportation is not automatically formed from a positive attitude towards using. The adjustment of services provided on the application because of competition in the application-based transportation industry must be able to meet user expectations which tend to change according to the offers provided by service providers.


transportation, loyalty, attitude


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How to Cite

Christian, M., Jasfar, F. ., & Hady, H. (2021). Investigating the Determinants of App-based Land Transportation User Loyalty in Jakarta Using PLS-SEM Framework. Advanced Journal of Social Science, 8(1), 25–36.