Improving Mental Health Outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic Communities: A Quantitative Study into Perception of Control
Background: Although the disparities in mental health outcomes for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom are well-documented, little is known about the role perception of control plays in the experiences of service users and its role in perpetuating or improving health inequalities. This quantitative methods study investigated the perspectives of the members of these communities from the Locus of Control domain.
Methods: A small-scale survey (N=50), applied a purposive sampling method to recruit mental health service users of African and Caribbean origin from a South London Borough to complete two structured questionnaires. Data were analysed using SPSS in the examination of the scores, various demographic variables, linear relationships, and other reliability tests.
Results: Key findings indicate a moderate to high externality in LOC scores for participants, in general and mental health milieus, with some remarkable differences in ethnicity, gender, and age.
Conclusion: The results present some implications and opportunities for mental health services, policy, and professionals in engaging with clients from this target group towards addressing the inequality of outcomes.
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