Notes on the Native History of Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Caribbean history and ethnocultural evolution since the late nineteenth-century has been restructured to strategize a new scholarly native. This study examines how Cuba and the Dominican Republic became cultural markets for such trend. It also reviews the hypothetical extinction of the Caribbean naturals as it potentialized a highly commercialized era as theorists developed unique tools to implement an academic discourse irrelevant to Caribbean natives’ origins, cultures and fate. The cultural market trends were so far-reaching and successful that there is a need to assess pre-European native Caribbean history away from the sought-after taino market modeled after Constantine Samuel Rafinesque since 1836. Consequently, by the mid twentieth century a critical separation from traditional native Caribbean ethnohistory was well established within a suppositional trend inconsequential to original native biological evolution, language and diversity. This study analyses early ethnopolitical native contacts as tribal independencies interacted before and after discovery. Relevant historical facts originated from national archives and critical older books.
Native languages, tribal diversity, cultural markets trends, native biological evolutionDownloads
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