Human-centered Approach for Proper Functioning of LEED Criteria; A Case Study in Tehran




Buildings are rated in five main categories according to the LEED standard to receive an environment-friendly design certificate. Sustainability, water efficiency, material properties, energy consumption, and the quality of indoor spaces are main criteria which confirm the proper function of a building in terms of optimal energy consumption. However, the role of residents and behavioral aspects in the consumption of energy and the decent application of energy standards are neglected. It is beyond doubt that the residents’ behavior is one of the most important factors in performance-based building design. Moreover, the individual mistakes, which most of the times cause energy dissipation, cannot be ignored. This research proposes "Integrated Interactive System" as a human-centered approach with the aim of minimizing energy consumption. A survey is conducted, and this system is evaluated as a case study in Tehran.


LEED, Residents' Behavior, Energy Consumption, Sustainability, Human-centered Design


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Survey Article

How to Cite

Zargar, S. H., Dehghani Firouzabadi, F., Zareie, M., & Khaghani, S. (2019). Human-centered Approach for Proper Functioning of LEED Criteria; A Case Study in Tehran. Advanced Journal of Social Science, 6(1), 109–121.