Effect of Online Travel Bookings and Social Media on Tourism Destination Marketing in Nigeria
The impact of information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is also felt in the field of tourism as it plays an essential role in the development and marketing of tourism. The study focused on the growth of Online Travel Booking in the tourism industry in terms of the internet, mobile and social media in a country like Nigeria where there are tons of tourist destinations across the country. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. A questionnaire was designed to collect primary data. The survey was distributed to a sample of 222 students of Redeemer's University through the random selection of both genders. The Chi-square method was employed in analysing the data. Out of 222 questionnaires administered, only 200 were retrieved. Flights and Hotel reservations can be made online through e-mail, telephone calls and other internet services thereby helping to reduce if not remove the time-wasting processes of the old system entirely. It is, therefore, evident that its adoption is necessary for proper inclusion in these benefits and sustainable development of tourism.
Tourism, Social Media, Online Travel Booking, Tourism Development, e-commerce, Information and Communication TechnologyDownloads
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