Socio-Economic Benefit of Lake Ecosystem (In Case of Lake Ziway)


  • Gezahegne Seyoum Gebremedhin Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, Addis Ababa University
  • Satishkumer Belliethathan Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, Addis Ababa University



This study focused on the socio-economic benefit of the Western shoreline of Lake Ziway ecosystem.  Lake Ziway great importance for food and water for both groups of respondents and additional sources of raw material, energy, cultivation, organic fertilizers, genetic and medicinal plants. Lake Ziway also has a major economic benefit for both groups of respondents. The respondent fishermen caught a mean amount of 2,524Kg per year with a minimum and maximum amount of fish 504Kg and 16,800Kg per year respectively and with this fish-catching, they got an average income of 51,398 Birr ($2,570) per year with range of 7,200 Birr ($360) and 288,000 Birr ($14,400) per year. As like of fishermen small scale irrigation also got economic benefit with their production of cereal crops, fruits, and vegetables. They produce in average 13.47Quintal of cereal crop and 69.56Quintal of fruits and vegetables per year and they got an average income of 7,727 Birr ($386) and with a range of 13,714 Birr ($686) per year respectively. this incurred that wetland ecosystem has a lot of socio-economic benefit for the people live nearby especially for developing countries like Ethiopia they are more dependent on a natural ecosystem like of Lake Ziway.


Lake Ziway, Fishermen, Small scale irrigation users, Wetland ecosystem service, Socio-economic benefit


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How to Cite

Gebremedhin, G. S., & Belliethathan, S. (2019). Socio-Economic Benefit of Lake Ecosystem (In Case of Lake Ziway). Advanced Journal of Social Science, 6(1), 1–9.