The Impacts of Continuance Commitment to Job Performance
A Theoretical Model for Employees in Developing Economies Like Tanzania
Continuance commitment of employee and job performance are inevitably linked to each other, and it is well known that employee continuance commitment is affected by intrinsic motivation of individuals. This study aimed to assess the impacts of continuance commitment to job performance in developing economies like Tanzania. People in developing economies have low commitment due to internal factor such as a desire for earning high size of payment. I focused on the determination of continuance commitment impacts on job performance from a sample of 116 public and private sector employees of industrial and government corporations. In multiple linear regression analysis on the impacts of continuance commitment and job performance two predictors; social capital and human capital show the significant relationship between two variables while the size of payment shows a very little contribution to job performance.
Continuance commitment, size of pay, human capital, social capital, job performance.Downloads
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