Anti-corruption Strategies for Balanced Development
A Case Study of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)
This paper synthesizes the assessment of anti-corruption strategies adopted by previous administrations in Nigeria, and the effectiveness of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Factors militating against the effectiveness of EFCC were identified, and solutions proffered. Corruption in education was also noted. The administration of some heads of state before the establishment of EFCC were discovered to fuel corruption, while some administrations proved to have adopted Gandhian approach to fight corruption; they recorded success but were not sustained because their efforts were found to have been frustrated by their succeeding administrations. The results of the frustrations lead to the establishment of EFCC which is an institution to tackle corruption during democracy. Finally, it was revealed that the achievement of EFCC’s mandates is low. Towards anti-corruption strategies and the effectiveness of EFCC, recommendations were suggested. It is believed that if the recommendations were fully implemented, balanced development is inevitable.
Corruption, Anti-corruption, Development, NigeriaDownloads
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