Prevalence and Impact of Cattle Infections in Ghana
Challenges in Livestock Health and Disease Management
This article examines the critical issues surrounding cattle diseases in Ghana and their detrimental effects on animal farming, food supply, and public health. It offers a comprehensive analysis of common infections affecting cattle in Ghana's farming industry, along with proposing potential strategies to manage these health challenges. A literature search was conducted across four databases, retrieving 117 records, of which 12 were included for analysis. The most widespread disease found was trypanosomiasis, along with other infections such as bovine tuberculosis, bovine coronaviruses, heartwater, and parasitic worm infestations. Farmers often rely on antibiotics, antiprotozoal, anthelmintics, and vaccines to address these health concerns. The findings reveal that these diseases have a profound effect on cattle productivity, resulting in notable economic setbacks, and a decline in the availability of cattle-based products. Although various diagnostic techniques are employed, it is evident that there is a need for simpler and more effective diagnostic tools to identify and treat these infections early. The study highlights the need for continuous research on cattle diseases to develop more effective treatments and suggest the development of improved diagnostic methods. Additionally, it stresses the importance of implementing early detection technologies and control systems to reduce the economic and agricultural consequences of cattle diseases in Ghana.
Cattle Infection, Cattle Production, TrypanosomiasisDownloads
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