Exergy Models and Tar Removal Techniques in Biomass Gasification


  • Ahsan Ayub US. Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, National University of Sciences and Technology
  • Uzair Ibrahim Department of Chemical and Material Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan




Quest for higher conversion efficiency and reduced environmental impact has increased the focus on renewable energy sources. Biomass is a sustainable form of energy that can be used as an alternate of fossil fuels through biomass gasification. Gasification is one of the most used methods for converting biomass into syngas that is a usable form of energy. The biomass gasification serves as a promising process for energy production. However, uncertainty in process variables and formation of tar has been a challenge in efficient process design and operation. This paper contains literature review of different models used for gasification, tar removal techniques along with Fischer Tropsch reactions for conversion of biomass to liquid fuels. The paper shows circulating and bubbling fluidized bed gasifier as the most efficient model for tar removal and greater exergy efficiency.


Gasification, Biomass, Tar removal, Fischer Tropsch reaction, Exergy model


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Graduate Reviews

How to Cite

A. Ayub and U. Ibrahim, “Exergy Models and Tar Removal Techniques in Biomass Gasification”, Adv. J. Grad. Res., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 16–23, Oct. 2018.