A New Quantum Encryption Scheme


  • Mihail-Iulian Plesa Technical Military Academy of Bucharest https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5954-7199
  • Togan Mihai Department of Computer Science, Technical Military Academy of Bucharest




The model of quantum computation has advanced very quickly in the last years. This model brings with it an efficient algorithm for factoring, namely the Shor algorithm. This means that the public key infrastructure will soon be obsolete. In this paper we propose a new quantum cryptographic scheme which aims to replace the RSA algorithm from current public key infrastructures. We analyze the security of our scheme and also, we describe the implementation of the scheme using IBM Q SDK, qiskit. We run a number of experiments in order to build a proof of concept application that uses the proposed scheme.


factoring, IBM Q, PKI, qiskit, quantum cryptography, RSA, Shor


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Graduate Research Articles

How to Cite

M.-I. Plesa and T. Mihai, “A New Quantum Encryption Scheme”, Adv. J. Grad. Res., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 59–67, Jun. 2018.