Parameter Estimation of Spring-Damping System using Unconstrained Optimization by the Quasi-Newton Methods using Line Search Techniques


  • Dheeraj Kumar Namala Department of Aerospace, SRM University
  • V Surendranath Department of Aerospace, IISC, Bengaluru



Optimization is the basic tools to study the behaviour of many complicated mechanical systems by having the knowledge of differential equations which determine the system. The basis of this paper was to present a method to estimate the parameters such as spring constant and damping coefficient of the spring damped system by unconstrained optimization using derivative methods Such as quasi-newton method by Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno and davidon-Fletcher-Powell hessian updating method by using backtracking line search methods along with Armijo’s uses the output error approximation procedure. It shows the convergence of different methods which are used to estimate the parameters and how accurately they are measured.


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Graduate Research Articles

How to Cite

D. K. Namala and V. Surendranath, “Parameter Estimation of Spring-Damping System using Unconstrained Optimization by the Quasi-Newton Methods using Line Search Techniques”, Adv. J. Grad. Res., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–7, Sep. 2018.