Study of Changes in Physical Parameters of compost and vermicompost of Eucalyptus leaf litters
Vermicompost and compost of leaf litter of Eucalyptus was studied in plastic bins in duplicate sets with two different proportions (100 % and 50 %). For vermicompost experiments, epigeic earthworm species Eisenia foetida and Eudrilus eugeniae were employed at 10-10 numbers each per vermicompost bins. Cattle dung was taken as control. During the entire process physical factors viz. temperature, pH, moisture content and biomass were measured and compaired. The results were reveal that initial temperature was 35°C ± 2°C in both vermicompost and compost leaf litter and after several weeks, it was set at minimum level. In 50 % leaf litter temperature was 2-3°C higher than 100 % leaf litter. pH of both vermicompost and compost mixtures were acidic in beginning phase while set at alkaline at final stage. Vermicompost had lower pH than compost. Moisture content of leaf litter also decreased in initial phase due to generation of metabolic heat but at later phase it was increased due to decreasing of metabolic heat. More changed was seen in 100 % leaf litter followed by 50 % and then cattle dung. Biomass of leaf litter was more decreased in 100 % waste then 50 % and cattle dung.
Eucalyptus leaf litter, vermicompost, compost, pH, temperature, moisture, biomassDownloads
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