Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of Pure Aluminum to Low Carbon Steel
The purpose of this research is to use friction stir welding (FSW) to join dissimilar metals, annealed low carbon steel and A1050 pure aluminum. A butt joint with a similar sheet thickness of 1.9 mm was applied. The novelties of the research are relatively using high generated heat produced by a combination of low traverse speed and high rotational speed to perform the dissimilar joints and using a tool material (K107cold work tool steel) which has not been used in FSW with tool cooling. The present work studied the effect of FSW variables such as tilt angle, tool cooling, base metal location on mechanical properties. Tensile tests were used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the dissimilar joints. The microstructure specimens were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Sound dissimilar joints were successfully produced. The maximum joint efficiency obtained in this study is 51.7% of the aluminum tensile strength. The microstructure images showed that many steel fragments were sheared off from the steel surface by the tool action and scattered in the weld nugget, a continuous intermetallic compound (IMC) layer formed at the interface, the thickness of the IMC layer at the interface decreased in the thickness direction of the weld. FeAl3 IMC phase was only observed at the interface.
Friction stir welding, Tool Steel, Tilt angle, Intermetallic compound, Dissimilar metals, Tensile StrengthDownloads
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