Solar Dynamical Processes I
The article gives a concise overview of solar dynamical processes and their impacts on the space weather. This article is based on the observational and theoretical developments made during last few decades. The article begins with a brief discussion of the Sun and the solar interior, from the core to the solar corona. We discuss the solar magnetic field and provide some basic understanding of the solar dynamo model. The solar dynamical processes, the transient as well as the gradual, are the manifestations of the Sun’s magnetic field. Magnetic reconnection, as well as submergence and emergence of magnetic flux tubes, plays an important role in the solar activities. This article tries to cover a range of dynamical processes, including sunspots, solar prominences and bright points. We also discussed various models of the dynamical processes along with their properties and effect on other activities occurring on the Sun.
Solar dynamical process, Solar magnetic field, Solar dynamo, Sunspots, Prominence, Bright Points, Coronal mass ejection, solar flares, coronal holesDownloads
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