The Use of Microbial Inoculants in Crop Production for Food Security Sustainability
Increasing human population, war, climate change, herdsmen-farmers clashes, banditry, terrorism, political unrest affected crop production negatively. These factors widen the gap between food production supply and its demand. In an attempt to fill this gap, agrochemicals were used to increase crop yield to meet the food demand of the ever-increasing population. Agrochemical’s introduction was accepted initially due to their quick and nonspecific actions. Decades later, these agrochemicals begin to pose threats to human and livestock health, causing land degradation, ecosystem imbalance, reduction in soil fertility and productivity. To avert the negative effects of agrochemicals on food and feed products, soil, water quality, and the environment. The use of a safe and eco-friendly alternative was developed. Microbial inoculants serve to be the best substitute for agrochemicals with substantial benefits in sustainable crop production and environmental sustainability. This review aims at updating available information on the benefits of using microbial inoculants in boosting crop production and the strategies to adopt for its effectiveness.
Agrochemicals, crop yield, microbial inoculantsDownloads
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