Influence of Feeding Gases on the Composition of Plasma Activated Water
As we are all aware that “PLASMA” is the fourth state of matter and about 99% of the universe comprises of plasma. Plasma invariably consists of essential reactive oxygen and nitrogen species which are necessary for agricultural purposes thus making it an interesting subject for research. When water is exposed to plasma arc, its composition changes and forms Plasma Activated Water (PAW). Research studies have proved PAW to be an effective disinfectant and also providing imperative nutrients to plants. This paper reviews the impact of feeding gases such as Air, Ammonia, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium, Oxygen and Carbon dioxide on PAW composition. Hydrogen peroxide, nitrates, nitrites and pH value are the four key aspects of PAW which decide its influence. H2O2 helps in bacterial inactivation whereas nitrates and nitrites are a source of nutrients. It is known that nitrites decompose rapidly in water and form compounds that promote bacterial inhibition. Here the impact of using Air, Ammonia, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium, Oxygen and Carbon dioxide is being reviewed and studied. More specifically, the concentration of major Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS) formed in the process and the physical properties of PAW at various atmospheres are is discussed in detail.
Plasma activated water (PAW), Hydrogen peroxide, Feeding gases, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS)Downloads
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