Analysis of Metabolic Biomarkers in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD); A Comprehensive Review
Non-alcohol fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common chronic liver problems across the world accounting 25% of the global population. The major groups that are mostly affected are young children and obese population. It is identified to be corelated with metabolic syndrome such as mellitus diabetes, hypertension, insulin resistance. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the robust form of NAFLD which has led to necro-inflammation and liver fibrosis. The standard and well-known diagnostic method till now is ‘liver biopsy’ but it impedes the examining of the tissue because of its invasive nature. Other diagnostic study usually involved imaging tools MRI or ultrasonography for discriminating simple steatosis with prognostic NASH also have certain limitations. Due to the ever-rising rate of NAFLD, there is an imperative need of developing non-invasive biomarkers for better monitoring and prophecy of the disease. There is also a need for the better treatment for curing NAFLD. In the knowledge of people, it has been observed that medicinal plants have known to possess professional therapeutic properties Swertia chiraiyta, a customary indigenous folk plant primordial to the upper regions of temperate Himalayas, Nepal and Bhutan is used in various ailments of liver disorders, ulcers, fever, diabetes, skin, and various other diseases. The current review focuses on epidemiologic, pathogenetic aspects and both the current and prospective biomarkers involved in NAFLD assessment that has the potential to leverage better understanding of solving the problem. Moreover, it characterizes the current treatment of NAFLD while discussing the other newer dimension of formulation for future prospects.
Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease, biomarkers, NASH, metabolic syndrome, Swertia chirata, Indigenous medicineDownloads
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