Assessment of Different Seedling Production Techniques of Euterpe edulis
Euterpe edulis is an endangered species with high importance ecologically and economically. Seedling production seems to be one of the most important alternatives to population recovery. Besides that, the knowledge of seedling production methods' influence over germination is very restricted. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of parent populations, germination conditions, and the substrate to commercial seedling production of E. edulis. Nine thousand seven hundred and thirteen seeds were distributed between the heated water and control, greenhouse and open-field treatments. The parent population presented high differences between most of the germination indexes. Influencing the germination rate, mean germination time and germination speed, but not affecting synchrony and uncertainty indexes. Heated water treatment did not affect any of the studied indexes, presenting a close pattern of germination over time, indicating it is an appropriate method for seedling production. Greenhouse and open-field treatment presented variations at the same indexes affected in the parent population analysis. The most profitable method for E. edulis seed germination was the greenhouse production method, which provided the best indexes results.
Forestry seeds, Seed development, Germination, Arecaceae, Seedling production, PalmiteiroDownloads
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