Mineral and Phytochemical Composition of Cleome Gynandra Methanolic Extract
The study was done to evaluate the mineral and phytochemical composition of the methanolic extract of Cleome gynandra (spider plant). The plant is used as a traditional vegetable in some communities in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. The plant has also been reported to have some medicinal effect due to presence of phytochemicals but its pharmacological and phytochemical profile has not been fully established. Collection and authentication of the plant was done followed by extraction using methanol as a solvent. The phytochemical investigation was done using both chemical analysis and chromatography method by use of a Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GCMS) system as per standard protocol. Cleome gynandra was found to contain some mineral compounds of nutritional importance and phytochemicals with potential medicinal importance. The phytochemicals analyzed include saponins, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, terpanoids and polyphenols. These different phytochemicals can be further studied and their potential medicinal importance analyzed. The study concluded that Cleome gynandra contains phytochemicals with potentially important medicinal value. The plant (Cleome gynandra) can also be used as an important nutritional source of some essential nutrients like Vitamin C and beta carotene. It can also be a good source of some mineral elements like iron, selenium, cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese. This can be important for families in rural areas and for the low-income households in both rural and urban areas as a source of nutrients.
Cleome gynandra, spider plant, phytochemicals, trace mineralsDownloads
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