Utility of Biodiesel in Diesel Engine
The energy resources from the fossil fuels are decreasing day by day. Rather fossil fuel is costly, it creates environmental problems by producing and NOx in the environment. Now it is argent to find a solution. The solution can be renewable energy. In this paper the effort was to find the utility of biodiesels in the conventional diesel engine. This biofuel or biodiesel is extracted from Soybean methyl ester (SME). We compared the basic performance characteristics diesel, SME 20 and SME 100 in unmodified diesel engine. This experiment will be helpful to find out the utility of SME type biodiesel in conventional diesel engine so that the uses of fossil fuels can be reduced in quick rental power plants and other uses. We can use biodiesel as substitute in an economic tariff and efficient way.
The energy resources from the fossil fuels are decreasing day by day. Rather fossil fuel is costly, it creates environmental problems by producing and NOx in the environment. Now it is argent to find a solution. The solution can be renewable energy. In this paper the effort was to find the utility of biodiesels in the conventional diesel engine. This biofuel or biodiesel is extracted from Soybean methyl ester (SME). We compared the basic performance characteristics diesel, SME 20 and SME 100 in unmodified diesel engine. This experiment will be helpful to find out the utility of SME type biodiesel in conventional diesel engine so that the uses of fossil fuels can be reduced in quick rental power plants and other uses. We can use biodiesel as substitute in an economic tariff and efficient way.
Biodiesel, Soybean methyl ester (SME), diesel engine, performance.Downloads
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