Mechanical and Physical Properties of Polyester Reinforced Glass Fibre/Orange Peel Particulate Hybrid Composite
This study was focused on the development of hybrid composed using orange peel particulate dispersed in an unsaturated polyester resin reinforced with chopped strands of E-glass fibers. Orange peel particulate of about 350µm sieve size, of varying weight percentage (3, 6, 9,12 and 15) wt.% and E-glass fiber of constant weight percentage 25.1wt% was used as reinforcements in a polyester matrix. The effect of the orange peel particulate on the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting composite such as tensile strength, bending strength, impact strength and hardness strength was investigated. The results showed remarkable improvement in mechanical properties with increase in percentage of particulate reinforcement. Tensile strength varies from 50.0 to 62.6 MPa, Hardness values varies between 28.6 and 40.8HRB, Impact energy at room temperature, varies between 5.0 to 7.4 Joules, as a function of fiber weight fractions and the flexural strength varies from 74.0 to 85.2 MPa. The best mechanical properties were obtained at 15 Wt.% particulate reinforcements. The results of the physical tests show that the water absorption increases as the weight percentage of the particulate reinforcement increases and the same condition also holds for the density.
Glass fibre, polyester resin, particulate reinforcement, orange peel, physical and mechanical propertiesDownloads
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