Plasmonics: A Path to Replace Electronics and Photonics by Scalable Ultra-fast Technology
Semiconductor devices, circuits, and components are dependent upon miniaturization for transporting huge amounts of data at a high speed these provide the ability to control the transport and storage of electrons. Current communication systems are based on either electrons or photonics. These modern electronic devices for information processing and sensing are functioning almost close to their fundamental speed and bandwidth limitations which a serious problem. The performance of electronic circuits, as well as photonics, is now becoming rather limited when digital information needs to be sent from one point to another. Plasmonics is a new technology a kind of photonics-based on surface plasmons viable. Surface plasmons are a way of guiding light. Surface Plasmon (SP) based circuits, which merge electronics and photonics at the nanoscale, may offer a solution to the size-compatibility problem. Optical fiber communication (OFC) is a well-known light enabled information transmission mechanism communicates very effectively over large distance. Surface plasmons, on the other hand, can guide light only over distances of tens or hundreds of microns. Surface plasmons are the electromagnetic (optical) waves get generated from the interaction between light and the mobile conduction electrons on the surface of a metal. The surface plasmons created by the interaction of light near the surface possess unique advantages like the high speed of communication which is very essential for the current generation of electrical and medical fields.
Plsmonics, Plasmons, Photonics, UltrafastDownloads
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