Call for Papers from Science Undergraduate Research Student
Call for research paper submission in Advanced Journal of Graduate Research (AJGR) is open for 2021 issue. AJGR is an interdisciplinary science journal that publishes mentored research work carried out by Bachelor's and Master's Degree students. We welcome papers by students in science & technology fields and are excited to provide an opportunity to recognize excellent undergraduate research.
There is no deadline for submissions as we follow a continuous publication model. The paper will immediately be published as soon as gets accepted & copyedited. AJGR is dedicated to publishing the best of mentored undergraduate scholarly work across science disciplines from all types of higher educational institutions. For relevant information including submission criteria please see our frequently asked questions section.
Submission deadline: Open Throughout the Year
Publication date: As soon as accepted
Normal Publishing Fee: Free (First Round Review within 6-10 weeks)
Rapid Publication: Author may choose with payment ( Visit APC for detail)
AJGR is an international standard peer-reviewed journal and all submitted articles will get reviewed by our verified reviewers. It shall be noted that AJGR is a specific journal for publishing student's research work from the science & technology discipline but not run by the students. AJGR is managed by AIJR and the editors, as well as reviewers of this journal, are the same academic experts as for any other standard international refereed journal.
Online Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts can be submitted through the online submission system or through email. All manuscripts will be reviewed in a normal but expedited fashion. Accepted papers will be published within 10 days of acceptance. Link: Author Guidelines & Online Submission
Manuscript Submission through email
Authors can also send the manuscript & cover letter through email While sending research paper through email kindly make sure that all authors been included as Cc. The author should read the guidelines carefully and format the manuscript properly before submission. The author should make sure to include the complete detail of each student as well as supervisor in the same format as described under author guidelines otherwise manuscript submission will not be considered. Acknowledgment of manuscript submission through email will be sent within 3 days.
Please direct questions to:
Simultaneous submission is not allowed in this journal, any violation will be considered as serious author misconduct. The author shall make sure that the submitted manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal and will not be submitted to any other journal until under consideration by the Advanced Journal of Graduate Research.
Acceptable Article Types
Research Article, Review Article, Survey Article