Structure and New Substructure of α-Ti2O3: X-ray Diffraction and Theoretical Study
The Crystal structure of both α-Ti2O3 and its new substructure with a halved c-axis has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The α-Ti2O3 substructure described in the R-3m space group, reveals an unusual 12-fold high coordination of Ti atoms forming edge and face-sharing distorted hexagonal prisms TiO12 stacking along the c-axis. The Hubbard-corrections predict a close bandgap for both α-Ti2O3 and its substructure; whereas a comparative study of their relative stability indicates that the substructure is thermodynamically less stable.
Titanium oxide, CVT, X-ray diffraction, Crystal structure, Substructure, DFTDownloads
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